Tournament FAQs

This is a non-comprehensive list of answers to frequently asked questions about the Stonewall Sports National Tournament.
If you have questions about a specific sport, please direct them to the sports manager(s) listed on the individual sports pages. If you have a question that is not answered here, please email
Everyone ages 21 and older is welcome to participate, and you don’t have to qualify to play. You also don't have to be active in a Stonewall chapter or live in a city with a Stonewall chapter to register. In 2024, players and attendees came from all over North America for the National Tournament. There’s something for everyone at the tournament, including one- and two-day sport competitions, affinity mixers, nightly events and more.
There are two ways to register for the national tournament.
- You can register to participate in any one- or two-day sport tournament. If you register to participate in any sport tournament, access to all tournament events is included. That means, sport players don’t have to purchase or register for a separate events pass.
- If you do not register to play a sport, you can register for an events pass. The events pass will give you access to all tournament social events, including affinity mixers, nightly social events, and the Sunday awards ceremony.
Captain registration opens Monday, April 14, at 9 p.m. (Eastern Time), and player registration opens Thursday, April 17, at 9 p.m. (Eastern Time). Keep these other key dates in mind:
- Early registration ends and registration prices increase Monday, April 28.
- Team status must be met by Friday, May 9. Teams must have the minimum number of players (by sport) by this deadline.
- Tournament registration ends Friday, May 16. After registration ends, we cannot offer refunds on registration.
- Events pass registration ends Wednesday, July 16. We’ll close online sales of events passes on July 16. There may be a limited number of events passes for sale at the host hotel during the tournament.
- All two-day sport tournaments (Billiards, Bocce, Bowling, Dodgeball, Indoor Volleyball, Kickball, Pickleball, Sand Volleyball), including access to all tournament events:
- Early registration rate: $90
- Regular registration rate $100 (effective April 28)
- Cornhole Exhibition, Dodgeball Showcase (for women, transgender and nonbinary players), Kickball Remix, Ultimate Frisbee:
- Early registration rate: N/A
- Discounted registration rate for players who also register for a two-day sport tournament: $15
- Regular registration rate for players who are not participating in a two-day sport tournament: $40
- Includes access to all tournament events (you do not need to purchase a separate events pass)
- Events pass
- Regular registration rate (no early rate): $40
The registration fee includes a tournament t-shirt, and access to weekend events, including affinity mixers, nightly parties and the Sunday awards party.
Yes. Stonewall Sports is committed to reducing barriers to entry for players to participate in the 11th Annual National Tournament, July 17-20, 2025, in Columbus. The Player Assistance Fund provides registration fee waivers or reduced registration rates for players who are experiencing financial and economic hardship. Learn more about the Player Assistance Fund.
No, we do not limit registrations by chapter. There are, however, capacities for each sport, and registration can be highly competitive in some sports. For that reason, we encourage participants to register as soon as possible.
Registration fees are unfortunately nonrefundable after registration closes. During the registration window, you may request a refund for fees.
Yes, we'll have an online store with tournament-branded merchandise, including apparel and accessories. Merchandise can be purchased and shipped to your home prior to the tournament. We'll share the link to the online store soon.
Sports FAQs
We will have 12, one- and two-day sport tournaments, including:
- Billiards
- Bocce
- Bowling
- Cornhole Exhibition (single-day exhibition)
- Dodgeball Classic
- Dodgeball Showcase (single-day tournament for women, transgender and nonbinary players)
- Indoor Volleyball
- Kickball Classic
- Kickball Remix (single-day tournament)
- Pickleball
- Sand Volleyball
- Ultimate Frisbee (single-day tournament)
For several reasons, registration in multiple two-day tournaments is highly discouraged.
However, you could (and are encouraged to) register for the Friday sport tournaments and exhibitions, and a two-day (Saturday and Sunday) sport tournament.
For example, you could register for kickball remix on Friday (which is a single-day tournament) and then play in the dodgeball classic tournament Saturday and Sunday; or you could register for the dodgeball showcase (for women, transgender or nonbinary players) or cornhole exhibition on Friday (both single-day tournaments) and then play in the kickball classic tournament Saturday and Sunday.
We discourage players from registering for multiple two-day tournaments (kickball classic, dodgeball classic, pickleball, etc.) because it would very likely harm their experiences and their various teams' experiences during the tournament; they may spend more time in transit (from one location to the next, depending which sports they're playing) or may put their team in a delicate position by not being present for a game or match. Because teams can have games at any point throughout the day Saturday or Sunday, there's no efficient way for a player to transition from sport to sport.
Stonewall Sports teams may require varying levels of athletic or cognitive abilities. That said, we celebrate everyone’s abilities, and want everyone to feel welcome on our teams. If you have questions about a particular sport and want to know more about levels of play, you can contact managers for those athletic events. If you are comfortable, we would also encourage you to share more about your athletic or cognitive abilities during the registration process or with your team captains and teammates (once you’ve registered). It’s important to us that everyone feels welcome and celebrated at Stonewall Sports events.
While this is a tournament, this is also a recreational league. Stonewall Sports teams range from highly skilled, to competitive, to fun (social). Some sports, such as kickball, will ask captains to rate their team’s skill level, which will be used for placement in appropriate divisions. Other sports will use pool play to determine seeding for the day-two bracket. Please visit the sports information page to learn more about the formats and skill levels for various sports.
Yes. Free agents can register during player registration, which opens Thursday, April 17, at 9 p.m. (Eastern Time).
Free agents can register for any sport except indoor volleyball or sand volleyball. Unfortunately, indoor volleyball and sand volleyball have smaller capacities and cannot accommodate free agents. If you want to know whether any indoor volleyball or sand volleyball teams have space for free agents, please contact Colin Hammar (indoor volleyball manager) or Marlon Argueta (sand volleyball manager).
When you register as a free agent, you will be placed on a team that wants or needs more players, or a team composed primarily of other free agents. You will be asked to self-report your skill level so you can be paired with players of similar skill levels. If free agent spaces are full by the time you register, please email the sport manager for your sport and ask to be added to a free agent waitlist.
Travel FAQs
For the 11th Annual Stonewall Sports National Tournament in Columbus, tournament action begins Friday with our single-day cornhole exhibition, dodgeball showcase (for women, transgender or nonbinary players), and kickball remix tournaments. We're also hosting several affinity mixers Friday evening and our annual pageant Friday night.
Captains and players are highly encouraged to arrive Thursday night to maximize their tournament experience.
We also recommend players plan to stay through Sunday night and depart Monday morning, so they can participate in our Sunday awards ceremony and party.
Yes. All players are expected to play in their Stonewall-issued tournament t-shirts on one of two tournament days so photographers can capture action shots and team photographs during tournament bracket play.
On the alternating day (the day players and teams are not instructed to wear their Stonewall-issued tournament t-shirts), players are expected to wear coordinating uniforms during game play.
Read our uniform policy for more information.
Spectator FAQs
It depends. Some venues are outdoors and do not require an events pass to be a spectator. Other venues are indoors, and spectators may be asked to show an events pass or tournament credential to enter (for insurance and safety purposes, among other reasons). It may be in your best interest to purchase an events pass if you're hoping to cheer on friends or family at tournament venues.
Events passes are included in registration for players who are registered in one of our tournament sports. Events passes for non-registered players can be purchased during registration (and generally up to the day before the start of the tournament). The cost of an events pass is $40. During the tournament, we may have limited events passes available for purchase at our host hotel.
Yes. You can purchase an events pass for $40. Events passes can be purchased during registration (and generally up to the day before the start of the tournament). During the tournament, we may have limited events passes available for purchase at our host hotel.
Yes. In June, we'll release information about volunteer opportunities for the 11th Annual Stonewall Sports National Tournament.