Our Team

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Stonewall Sports, Inc. is a nearly entirely volunteer-run nonprofit organization. The national board comprises members of Stonewall Sports chapters from across the U.S. From time to time, we have vacancies on the national board and actively recruit new leaders.

If you have questions about vacancies, email Joey Williams (joey.williams@stonewallsports.org).

Matt Williams (He/Him)

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Joey Williams (He/Him)

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Leon Jiles (He/Him)

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DJ Hunter-East (He/Him)

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Suzanne Blum Grundyson (She/Her)

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K.T. Cooper (She/Her)

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Alex Asp (He/Him)

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Ronnie Few (He/Him)

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Ryan-Paul Johnson (He/Him)

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Noah Tobin (He/Him)

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Patty Hace (She/Her)

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Breyan Garcia-Ramirez (He/Him)

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Tracey Highfill (She/Her)

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Alex Perdue (He/Him)

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Joann Huot (She/Her)

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Elli Steffen (She/Her)

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Daniel Leavitt (He/Him)

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Amanda Volk (She/Her)

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Kevin Elles (He/Him)

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Shelby Baker (They/Them)

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Courtney Smith (She/Her)

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Daniel Jongleux (He/Him)

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Matt Smith (He/Him)

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Khorey Baker (He/Him)

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