Our History

Through the years
Stonewall Sports is a community-based, nonprofit sports organization for LGBTQIA+ people and their allies. Founded in 2010, we provide nonprofit, inclusive, low-cost, fun local sports leagues that are rooted in philanthropy and that give back to their communities. Our league values each player for who they are and what they bring to the community.

2010: Stonewall Kickball, D.C., is started in the fall by Martin Espinoza, Mark Gustafson, Melvin Thomas, Scott Moorehead and Scott Filter.
2013: Stonewall’s first expansion chapter is formed in Raleigh, NC. This is also the inaugural year of the now-annual Stonewall Sports National Tournament.
Five new chapters
2014: Five new chapters are established in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Dodgeball is added to Stonewall’s offerings of sports and activities.
first national board meeting
2015: The first national board meeting is held at the 3rd Annual National Tournament. The founding members include: Martin Espinoza, Melvin Thomas, Scott Moorehead, Austin Headerson, Tommy, James O’Leary, Scott Filter, Jonathan Melton, Britt Ellis and Sean C. Huff. Three new chapters are founded and two new sports offerings are provided.
National Tournament Hits the Road
2018: The 6th Annual National Tournament hits the road for the first time and is hosted in New Orleans, with a record number of participants (1,000). Stonewall grows to 15 chapter cities.
Stonewall's First Western Chapter
2019: Stonewall’s first western chapter, Salt Lake City, hosts its inaugural kickball season. Stonewall grows to 18 chapter cities with more than 25,000 active participants.
The National Tournament Has Record Participation
2021: The National Tournament returns to Richmond, VA, post-pandemic, with a record 1,500 participants. Stonewall grows to include more than 30,000 participants in 12 sports and activities, and we add two new chapter cities.
Stonewall Adds Its 23rd Chapter
2022: The national board grows and diversifies. Fargo, ND, joins Stonewall as the 23rd chapter city. Stonewall approaches 40,000 players, and we introduce pickleball as the 13th sport or activity offered.
Stonewall San Francisco Marks an Expansion to the West Coast
2023: The first west coast chapter starts in San Francisco, CA. The 9th Annual National Tournament is hosted in Philadelphia, and again, we have a record number of participants (more than 2,500).